7 marzo 2017

The Deep End di Kristen Ashley. {In inglese} Release blitz

Buongiorno a tutte! 
Esce oggi in inglese The Deep End, il nuovo romanzo firmato Kristen Ashley con cui ha inizio la serie Honey. Benvenuti al The Bee’s Honey! The Deep End è un romanzo erotico che esplora in mondo del BDSM, con dominatori e sottomesse, un viaggio travolgente alla scoperta della passione e della propria sessualità. Verrete introdotti in un mondo sensuale decadente in cui dei bellissimi maschi alfa saranno impegnati a soddisfare i desideri di ogni donna. Ogni romanzo è auto-conclusivo. Segue la sinossi tradotta.

Sinossi: Olivier non sa cosa l’abbia spinto ad entrare a far parte dell’Honey Club, sa solo che una parte oscura di lui brama lo stile di vita offerta da questo club esclusivo. Nel Club nessun confine sarà lasciato intentato... e le sue fantasie più recondite diventeranno realtà. Quando Amélie invita Olivier ad arrendersi, dà all'alfa sottomesso ciò che lui desidera. Ben presto entrambi si ritrovano più presi di quanto avessero previsto, ma quando la loro connessione diventa più profonda, la verità sul passato di Olivier potrebbe distruggere tutto... 


As he slowly closed the door behind him and moved his eyes to look through the room, taking it in, she watched them get wide.
They dropped to her and his amusement was clear. Not only radiating from his gaze but twitching his lips.
Another unusual—and unacceptable—reaction.
He thought this was funny.
She hoped like fuck she had the opportunity to prove him wrong.
She crossed her arms on her chest and slightly put out a foot, like she was about to start tapping her toe. In the wrap dress she wore, she knew this opened the overlap, not exposing anything, but the promise for him was impossible to resist.
His attention dropped to her legs.
“In the playrooms,” she began with a snap, and his gaze cut to hers, “I want eye contact. Unless otherwise instructed, you should not only feel free to look me directly in the eyes, if I’m in your line of sight or I’m not giving you something that your body’s natural reaction would make it difficult to meet my gaze, I require it.”
She stood there staring as he did nothing but dip his chin in acknowledgment.
Exceptionally cheeky.
“Unless I’ve asked for their silence or for them to ask for leave to speak, I also require my toys to respond when they’re spoken to. Even if it’s only a ‘yes, Mistress,’ or ‘no, Mistress.’”
His stance relaxed, like he was settling in at the beginning of a show he found vaguely intriguing, and his deep rumble of a voice bounced like boulders through the room. “Yes, Mistress.”
Christ, even his voice declared his challenge.
“Excellent,” she allowed. “Your name?”
“Olivier,” he answered.
Also unusual, at least in this country. And interesting.
She liked it a great deal.
She studied him.
He let her, holding her eyes.
“I’m Mistress Amélie,” she eventually informed him.
“I know. You got a lotta fans out there…Mistress.”
The hesitation over him saying “Mistress” gave less of the impression he was testing her and more of the strange impression the word was unpracticed when, with any experienced sub, it would slip right off their tongue.
She made no comment to that.
“There are things we should go over,” she remarked.
“Right,” he stated, his big body adjusting again, now like he was settling in further, intent on giving her the same attention he would a flight attendant who gave the safety address.
That being no more than a courtesy.
She fought the shiver his actions created but allowed the irritation.
“Your safe word is kitten,” she stated.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“You’re open to any kind of play,” she went on.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“It’s important and now’s the time to share should there be anything you wish me to shy away from, Olivier. Especially as this is the first time I’ve played with you.”
Something in his eyes flashed. Blue eyes that were the color of nothing and everything. Not sky. Not sea. Not midnight. A pure blue that only existed in the unchartable depths of a rainbow.
She felt that flash snake up between her thighs, taking residence in her womb.
He wanted this conversation done so she would play with him. He wanted the preliminaries over so they’d get to the good stuff.
He wanted her.
She stared into those blue eyes and for a moment felt mesmerized.
For God’s sake, Leigh, she berated herself in an effort to pull it together. Rainbow?
“Olivier,” she prompted.
“I’m open to anything,” he confirmed.

Kristen Ashley è cresciuta a Brownsburg, Indiana, e ha vissuto a Denver, Colorado, e nel Sud-ovest dell’Inghilterra. Per questo ha la fortuna di avere amici e parenti sparsi in tutto il mondo. La sua famiglia è a dir poco stramba, ma questo può essere un bene quando si desidera scrivere. Prima di Ti prego dimmi di sì, la Newton Compton ha già pubblicato Non dirmi di no e Dimmi che sei mio 

Qui trovate il romanzo in inglese!

Potrebbero anche interessarvi: 

Non dirmi di no
Dimmi che sei mio
Ti prego dimmi di sì

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