Buongiorno mie care!!
Ieri è uscito in inglese "Cartel", l'ultimo romanzo di Lili St. Germain, una lettura dalle tinte molto dark. E' il prequel della Gipsy Brothers series, una serie costituita finora da 7 libri molto apprezzata dalle lettrici americane. E' una lettura comunque indipendente.
Siete pronte a leggere la storia di Mariana in una travolgente nuova serie?
Data di pubblicazione: 27 gennaio
La trama:
Quanto vale una vita? Mariana Rodriguez è la figlia maggiore di un
signore della droga colombiano. Cresciuta a Villanueva, in Colombia, non ha mai
desiderato niente. Scuole private, uno stile di vita sontuoso e la sicurezza
del cartello per cui lavora suo padre. A diciannove anni ha tutta la vita già pianificata, e quello che
si prospetta essere un ottimo futuro: laurearsi al college, trasferirsi in
America, e, infine, essere libera dalla morsa soffocante del Cartello. Solo che
il padre scombina tutti i suoi piani. Una spedizione di cocaina - una grande
spedizione molto preziosa - è bloccata dalle autorità, mentre è sotto la cura di
suo padre e lui diventa responsabile del debito. Mezzo milione di dollari di
cocaina. Mezzo milione di dollari che non possiede. Ma lui ha una figlia, molto
intelligente, una figlia che avrebbe dato la sua stessa vita e sarebbe pronta
ad offrirsi come pagamento per i peccati di suo padre, al fine di garantire la sopravvivenza
della sua famiglia. Ma innamorarsi dell'uomo che la possedeva il rientrava nel
suo piano...
Leggi il primo capitolo QUI
Estratto #1
‘This isn’t a
fairytale,’ Dornan said wryly, as he watched her bring the soup-soaked bread to
her mouth.
She paused with
the bread in her hand, looking around the room in mock surprise. ‘You mean,
we’re not Beauty and the fucking Beast?
He laughed.
‘Well, you’re
certainly beautiful,’ he said.
‘And you’re
definitely a beast,’ she countered, pushing her empty bowl away and resting
back on the bed.
‘But there’s no
happy ever after for you,’ Dornan added, his eyes trailing over the chains to
reach the cuffs that were now permanent bracelets on her wrists.
‘No,’ she said
evenly, matching his intense gaze. ‘Not for any of us. Not in this world.’
Estratto #2
‘You do this a lot?’ I asked abruptly.
He took a step closer. I took a step back. It was timed so well, it was almost as if we were dancing some sort of macabre waltz.
He laughed when we moved in unison.
‘Depends,’ he replied, ‘on what this is.’
‘Pick up pretty girls for your daddy?’ I shot back.
Something passed over his face for a moment and settled in his eyes. Something hard. And then, I blinked, and it was gone again.
‘Sure,’ he said, and his voice had changed somehow. Become more reserved, more guarded. Damn. The only person who’d shown me the tiniest bit of normality, and I had just alienated him. As usual, I was running off at the mouth before I thought about what I was actually saying.
‘None as pretty as you, though,’ he added.
His eyes lit up
at that as his gaze travelled across my chest and wandered down to the most
private of places. I was clothed and covered in the right places, but in front
of him, I felt completely naked. The feeling was unnerving and delicious all at
once, which only confused me further.
So he’s sexy as
hell. It doesn’t matter. He’s the enemy.
‘It doesn’t
matter anyway,’ I added hastily. ‘I’ve got a nasty case of the clap. Better not
rape me or your pico might fall off.’ I thrust my chin out as I used the Spanish
term for ‘small dick’, smirking at the Gypsy Brother as his warm hands
continued to roam every bit of bare flesh on my arms.
Dornan laughed at
my admission, a throaty noise full of gravel and insolence that made me
increasingly unsteady on my feet.
Estratto #4
Girls who were
traded in this world never lasted long before it destroyed them, and the Gypsy
Brothers had the blackest touch of all.
She blinked her
huge eyes, and tears fell from them, running down her cheeks and hitting his
hand. He lifted his hand off her lips and brushed more tears from her cheeks
with his fingers.
Dornan wanted to
tell her she shouldn’t cry. That crying implied weakness. But, as the saltwater
leaving her body burned on his hand, he said nothing. Because the minute he
left the room, he was going to press his tongue to every one of her tears that
had fallen onto his skin and taste how sweet they were himself.
Lili St. Germain
Lili è autrice di dark romance, suspense e paranormal. Il suo romanzo a puntate, Seven Sons, è stato pubblicato all'inizio del 2014, con una serie di libri usciti in rapida successione. Lili ha messo da parte la sua vita aziendale per dedicarsi alla scrittura e ama ogni minuto che dedica alla sua passione. Gli altri amori della sua vita sono il suo affascinante marito e la sua bella figlia, il buon caffe, i film di Tarantino e trascorrere delle ore su Pinterest. Ama leggere quasi quanto scrivere.
Brothers Series by Lili Saint Germain:
Seven Sons
(Gypsy Brothers, Book One) FREE
Six Brothers (Gypsy Brother, Book Two)
Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers, Book Three)
Four Score (Gypsy Brothers, Four)
Three Years (Gypsy Brothers, Book Five)
Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers, Book Six)
One Love (Gypsy Brothers, Book Seven)
Cartel Trilogy
Cartel (Cartel, Book One)
Cartel (Cartel, Book One)
Trovate qui i romanzi in inglese!!
*** GIVEAWAY ***
Una copia cartacea di Cartel
Gypsy Brothers swag pack containing signed
Cartel postcards and wristbands
Un poster autografato Cartel
Una gift card di $25 su amazon
Gypsy Brothers swag pack containing signed
Cartel postcards and wristbands
Un poster autografato Cartel
Una gift card di $25 su amazon
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