25 marzo 2016

All that Jazz by Natasha Boyd. Book Blitz

Buondì, romance addicted!!
Fra le novità di questi giorni, in inglese, vi segnalo l’uscita di “All that Jazz” di Natasha Boyd. Si tratta dell’attesissimo spin-off della serie Eversea di cui fanno parte “Un’incantevole tentazione” e “Un messaggio per te. Forever Jack”, serie di recente portata in Italia dalla Giunti. Con “All that Jazz” ritorniamo a Butler Cove per seguire da vicino la storia di Joey e Jazz, personaggi che abbiamo già conosciuto nei due precedenti libri. "All that Jazz" è un contemporary romance sulle seconde possibilità, un ‘friends to lovers’ romance. Spero che la Giunti prenda in considerazione anche questo titolo!! Per stuzzicarvi vi propongo un estratto molto zuccheroso. A presto, greta

Sinossi | C'è qualcosa di totalmente scomodo nell'innamorarsi del migliore amico di tuo fratello. Soprattutto quando è diventato un pomposo, arrogante, anche se fastidiosamente sexy, stronzo a cui vorresti dare un pugno o un bacio fino allo sfinimento. L'estate in cui ha compiuto diciotto anni, Jazz Frazer si è accidentalmente innamorata di Joey Butler, dopo un favore che ha spostato la linea di demarcazione da amici in amanti. Per tre anni hanno finto che non ci fosse più niente tra di loro. Jazz è finalmente pronta a continuare la sua vita. E' in attesa di finire il college e di realizzare il suo sogno... viaggiare per il mondo. Jazz ha stabilito che le esperienze e le relazioni dovranno essere divertenti, occasionali e semplici. Dopo tutto, si è resa conto a caro prezzo che gli uomini non si legano comunque. Ma quando la sua migliore amica inizia una relazione con una celebrità, Jazz deve fare l'unica cosa che non avrebbe mai pensato, chiamare Joey e chiedergli aiuto. Trovandosi continuamente insieme, Jazz fa tutto il possibile per proteggere il suo cuore e non innamorarsi di nuovo di Joey. 

Ma quando Joey ammette finalmente che Jazz 
è quello che ha sempre voluto, è tutta un’altra cosa.

Al That Jazz by Natasha Boyd © 2016 Natasha Boyd

The Summer I turned 18

Joey shook his head. “This is a really fucking bad idea,” he muttered before leaning down and taking my mouth with his.

My heart raced.

He moved in front of me. His hand slid into my hair behind my head and his lower body connected with mine, pressing me against the railing.

Oh, God.

My arms skated up his biceps to his hard shoulders until they grasped at his neck.

I was terrified he’d suddenly raise his head and stop kissing me. The feel of him against me, against my body, the heat of his mouth, the skin of his neck under my fingers was like what I imagined a hit of ecstasy felt like. It was sudden and overwhelming and euphoric. I let out a low moan of need, my mouth opening under his. God, yes.

His hands tightened on me. He lifted his mouth fractionally as if the sound shocked him. His eyes were dark, his brow furrowed. We each took a breath against each other’s mouths.

I licked my bottom lip. Please let him not stop, I want more. I leaned up and nipped at his mouth.

He let out a shallow breath that caught. “A really, really bad idea,” he murmured before his mouth was on mine again. His tongue licked into me. His hands couldn’t seem to find where to hold me as they moved from my hair, to my back, to my face. He held my face, angling my mouth to suit him. Jesus. My body strained against his without me even meaning to. I felt his erection thick and heavy between us. Holy shit. Yes. I pressed closer. Damn, he tasted good. I kissed him back with everything I had like I could imprint the taste and feel of him on me forever.

His mouth pulled from mine, his wet lips and hot breath skating to my ear and down my neck. I held his head, my fingers slipping into his silky hair.

“But really, really … really good,” I whispered, gasping as his teeth and tongue worked down my neck. The sound of his ragged breathing almost did me in as much as the feel of it against my skin.

“Fuck,” he murmured, his tone tortured as if he had no will against what he was doing.

An aching and relentless need had taken root low in my belly. The urge to open my legs and wrap them around him, seeking relief was almost becoming tunnel-like. I could barely think. How had a simple kiss moved from hot to …this … in less than two minutes? This was no kiss for anyone’s benefit. This was no favor. This was pure, raw, unadulterated want. This was what I wanted sex to feel like. This was not even close to how it felt when Chase kissed me. Chase was definitely the wrong choice. Joey. I wanted this with Joey. I wanted him to be my first. The sudden image of him naked on me, my legs wrapped around him as he kissed me like this, went off like a lust-bomb in my stomach and I whimpered—a strange tortured sound.

Fisting my hands in his hair, I pulled his face back to mine. His hips rocked against me, and his tongue sank into my mouth. We kissed, and we kissed. It was like we couldn’t stop. He became my air, and I thought I’d rather die kissing him than ever breathe again.

Qui trovate i romanzi:
(All that Jazz è disponibile solo in inglese!)

Cliccate sui titoli per leggere le recensioni dei primi due romanzi!!

Attenzione, questo giveaway è internazionale!!!
 In palio 4 Amazon Gift Cards3 copie cartacee autografate di All That Jazz! 

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